Guest Appearance with Ripped!

Back on September 2nd I had the pleasure of driving down to Seaside Heights, NJ and watching a couple of really fun bands play! Tilted was the first band - they were fun - had never heard of them but lots of KISS and the Ramones, as well as some catchy originals, kept me entertained. Then Ripped came on! Fun, talented classic rock band from New Jersey - the drummer had asked me a while back to come down and sit in on a song - so I did! We did rehearse beforehand, a few weeks earlier. At rehearsal I played two songs - “Lights Out” by UFO and “I'm Eighteen” by Alice Cooper. The Alice Cooper tune is the one I played live and I have some video below as well as a couple of pictures! The club was EJ's Tap House, right on the Seaside Heights boardwalk.

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